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Lucia Sommerer is a Berlin-based artistic researcher at the intersection of

law | technology | art. 

She works across installation, sculpture, sound, performance and video. She has a particular interest in experimental and experiential practices, and is a supporter of DIY spaces, DIY science and ecological art.


Through process-based and performative practice, she explores the relationship between traditional academic disciplines and their alienation/pollination in art.


Recent works have focused on hidden power dynamics of offshore financial centres as well as of AI. 


She holds an assistant professorship in criminal law at the University of Halle. 

She is a member of the interdisciplinary "KollektivimFenster", which develops theater projects between art and science. Together with Dr. Daria Bayer, she hosts the Beyond-Law-Salon series in Berlin, during which topics of law and art are discussed, explored, and performed.


Her current projects include: Lawless Spaces of Anti-Leviathan

Deontic Powers, 2020

Lucia Sommerer

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